Kyoto travel information of temples, shrines, museums and more.

Eastern routes : Green tours

Do you know that you can walk around the city of Kyoto through the mountains? The hiking routes are perfect for every generation to exercise and explore Kyoto. Let's get started on a green & healthy tour.

Awata Jinja Shrine Sonshoin Temple Sonshoin Temple2

No.20 ~ No.30
The First day of the Eastern routes

Mt. Higashiyama ~ Finishing the first day trekking

The sign number is from No.20 to No.30

Mt. Higashiyama
Mt. Higashiyama2

Mt. Higashiyama

You can reach the top of Mt. Higashiyama which overlooks the Central and West parts of Kyoto city. I f you are lucky, you can overlook the whole of Kyoto city. Before continuing your trek, you can stop by Shoreimonin Temple next to the lookout.

The sign boards are founded

The sign boards are found

The sign boards are found at some points. Unfortunately they are only in Japanese. Kyoto city is planning to set the signs in English. The guide map of "Kyoto Circuit Trail" leads you to the right way.

Keep going! The next numbered sign will appear.
Sonshoin Temple
Sonshoin Temple2

Sonshoin Temple

You can take a rest in Sonshoin Temple grounds while seeing the view of Okazaki area with the big Shinto gate of Heian Jingu Shrine. Some good museums are found in the Okazaki area, which is nice for spending a good afternoon. Of course you can go down the mountain to Okazaki, stroll in Okazaki, and re-start trekking.

Awata Jinja Shrine

Awata Jinja Shrine

There is Awata Jinja Shrine on the way to the Keage area. Discovering some small shrines and temples is one of the virtues of the trek.

Finishing the first day trekking
Finishing the first day trekking2

Finishing the first day trekking

You are close to finishing the first day trekking. It takes about 5 hours from the start, Fushimi Inari Station. The Eastern trail route continues toward Enryakuji Temple on Mt. Hiei via Ginkakuji Temple.


Don't miss these sign boards. They lead you to the next destination.
